Acupuncture for IVF is Amazing! I'm going to share with you exactly how and why you should be getting acupuncture if you are gong through IVF. First and foremost though - is because Acupuncture is scientifically proven to be your best method for increasing IVF Success. Take a look:
I can explain the complicated science behind it, but essentially Acupuncture for IVF is Amazing because it does a number of important things in preparing you for IVF and for pregnancy.
A simplified version of the process is this: Acupuncture stimulates the body to produce more blood cells and move those blood cells to where they need to be. For example we have points that increase blood flow and circulation (thus oestrogen) to the ovaries to improve egg health and quality. We have points that increase blood flow to the uterus, regulating the mensural cycle (shout out to my PCOS patients!), thickening the lining and increasing implantation rates.
I also have specific points I use to increase hormone production like oestrogen to grow and ripen the follicles, increase progesterone and HCG to hold on to a developing pregnancy and reduce the risk of miscarriage. I can also reduce stress to prevent uterine contractions, reduce cortisol (stress hormone) and adrenaline and more.
And I haven't forgotten about the fella's! Guys get overlooked in reproductive health and are quickly dismissed with a pat on the back and a "You're fine, champ", when that just isn't the case. Men account for at least 50% of the problems with IVF and that number is growing! They get told their sperm is "fine" with a morphology of only 4%!!!! That's just not true! Using the strict criteria put forth by the World Health Organization (1999), studies of Assisted Reproductive Technology programs show lower pregnancy rates with less than 15% normal forms . Furthermore, experts currently are of the opinion that abnormally shaped sperm cannot fertilize an egg.
I'm one of the few, if not the only fertility specialist in Ireland that is focusing on fixing this right now.
GUYS! Sperm counts around the world have halved over the past 50 years, with the pace of decline more than doubling since 2000, according to recent research on male fertility. A study published in New Scientist went as far as to say that if things continued as they are, “the median sperm count would reach zero by the mid-2040s”.
No one is doing IVF is we have ZERO SPERM! Thankfully, there is A LOT I can do to fix this. I was actually featured in The Irish Independent for a case in which I helped a patient's sperm motility go for 10% to 95%. Yeah. Acupuncture for IVF is Amazing.
All of this can be broken down into distinct stages for both men and women (and yes, I'll have articles explaining all of these and how it works up shortly):
Okay, you might be reading this and asking how does this apply to me I have a specific diagnosed health problem. Don't worry, I have you covered. Acupuncture for IVF is Amazing for Specific Conditions Too! I have treated hundreds of men and women successfully with conditions like:
Acupuncture for IVF is amazing, if not more impressive when treating any of these above conditions. (That list by the was is taken from my guide & lecture series on "The Treatment of Subfertility: A Comprehensive Review of the Primary Western Diagnosis of Subfertility and the 9 Primary Corresponding Patterns in TCM; Treatments & Prescriptions"). I'm the guy that teaches other acupuncturists about Acupuncture, fertility and IVF. :-)
Yes. If you are going through IUI, IVF, ICSI or assisted reproduction treatments of any kind, the easiest, most effective way to improve your outcomes is to talk to me, because Acupuncture for IVF is Amazing for you. You can click on any of the articles/links above to learn more (more being added each week) or contact me today to arrange a free consult and see how I can help you have the family you're striving to have. Fill out the contact form below - or call me directly on 087 901 9627.
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